Hobby Lobby, which is run by the Green family and has made itself known as a Christian-owned company, is challenging the Healthcare provision that obligates companies to cover the costs of birth control for women. Hobby Lobby wishes to be exempt from this provision, stating that some of the contraceptives that are required to be covered in employee’s healthcare are against their religion. The challenge incensed many customers, and has sparked a huge debate that landed squarely on the company’s social media pages-and in the Supreme Court.
Rights vs. Religion Debate
Proponents of the company’s stance say that the company should be able to decide what medications and procedures are covered, and make sure they are in keeping with religious beliefs. Opponents of the stance say that Hobby Lobby is attempting to deny women’s rights, and that the company should be ashamed. Many Americans, especially women, feel that companies should not be allowed to choose whether contraceptives are covered under a healthcare plan, that the option should be available on all plans. At this time, that is the case, and Americans with healthcare are able to receive contraceptives free of charge. Many customers that are in disagreement with Hobby Lobby’s stance on birth control have vowed to boycott the company.
The Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. Case
The case has actually been brought before the Supreme Court, but is not expected to be resolved until June 2014. On Tuesday, the first arguments in the case were heard by the Supreme Court, and the justices were divided across gender lines, with female justices feeling that the contraceptive mandate should stay in place and a majority of the male justices feeling that the mandate should be changed. The outcome in the case may have a huge effect on dictating the obligations of employers within the new health care laws.